3 Ogos 2005
Khazanah acquires stake in Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited
Khazanah Nasional Berhad (“Khazanah”) is pleased to announce that, on 1 August 2005 Khazanah and its wholly owned subsidiary Bisikan Bayu Investments (Mauritius) Limited, completed its acquisition of 5.5 million shares at Rs.350 per share, representing approximately 13.2% equity stake in Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited (“Apollo”) for a cash consideration of USD44.23 million from TWL Holdings Limited (“TWL”).
Khazanah believes the investments in India’s leading private healthcare provider will present a strong platform to participate in the high growth opportunities of the Indian economy and the broader regional healthcare sector.
Appollo is listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd, Madras Stock Exchange Ltd and Stock Exchange of Mumbai. Apollo is the largest private hospital group in India, with a market capitalization of Rs16.4 billion (USD377 million) on yesterday’s closing price of Rs.394.35 per share.
Issued by
Khazanah Nasional Berhad